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El Hermano

photos used in the making of this trailer are of the actual people, places, events, historical documents and artifacts

Trailer: Features

trailer for book 2

Las Mujeres Misteriosas

Three mysterious women inhabit the American southwest: la Llorona, la Muerte, y la Lunática. The battle over the soul of a young woman, Rosita, pits the three spirits and the human prey in a conflict which results in a Pyrrhic victory.

Trailer: Welcome

trailer for book three

Cuentos del Cañón expands on some of the characters from El Hermano and gives even deeper insight into a culture almost gone in New Mexico. Each story stands on its own merits, but many knit together to create a larger view.

Trailer: Video

Viajes con Fantasmas

January 20, 2023

Check out my latest book trailer. Viajes con Fantasmas is the long-awaited sequel to Las Mujeres Misteriosas. Some time after Rosita, Raphael and their family flee the southwest, La Llorona finds the perfect opportunity to begin her plan for revenge. No Pyrrhic victory this time: it's the end, one way or another.


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Trailer: Latest Book

Carmen Baca, author


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